Two Tips To Help You Pick Out The Right Eyeglasses

If you've recently had an eye examination and your optometrist, like one from Envision Eyecare, advised you to get glasses, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed at the number of options available.  You look out at the rows and rows of choices and may not know where to start.  Use this information to learn more about how to select the perfect pair of eyeglasses for you.

Consider The Image You Want To Project

When you're selecting your eyeglasses, the first thing you should consider is the image you want to project.  This image may be based upon your professional career or on the fashion statement you want to make.

For example, if you are a teacher, you may not want to choose the most trendy, electric pink frames.  Your students may misinterpret this and consider you to be the "cool" instructor that they can kid around with.  Although it's great to be liked by your pupils, you also need a certain level of respect so you can maintain authority in the classroom.

Instead, you can get a nice pair of black, rectangular framed glasses.  They uphold your need for style, while still giving that traditional look of a teacher that you're going for.  Keep in mind that you don't have to settle for one pair of eyeglasses.  You can have a pair you use for work and another that you put on when you're hanging out with friends and family.

Consider The Shape Of Your Face

Another tip you can use when selecting eyeglasses deals with the shape of your face.  Although you may be aware that makeup can certainly contour your face, eyeglasses can also be used to change the way that your facial angles and profile appear.

If you have a round face, you can add depth by getting square framed eyeglasses.  Pairing round frames with an already round face won't add the angles that can make your face appear more balanced.

Conversely, if you have a strong jawline and sharp cheekbones, round frames may be best for you.  This will soften your face so that it doesn't appear as harsh as it would if you paired your strong features with square frames.

Choosing the right eyeglasses doesn't have to be difficult if you know what to do.  When you're picking out your next pair of glasses, use these tips so you can make the right selection.
